KXLY Spokane hosted a series on Saving Our Sons, dedicated to helping families struggling with their sons and mental health, and bringing awareness to the community. This series helps start a difficult conversation on saving our sons, what makes boys so vulnerable, and what we can do to help them.
Spokane family vows to help others
after losing their son to suicide
What can we do for
our boys
The warning signs your son may have
severe depression
Starting a conversation about
mental health
How kellencares.org can be a
resource for families
Why start the
Kellen Cares Foundation
3 things parents can do if they are worried
about their son's mental health
What's going wrong with the way
we raise boys
Dr. Gurian's parenting strategy
for both boys and girls
What should we understand about
male mental development
What did they learn losing
a loved one by suicide
What to expect at the
"Helping Boys Thrive Summit"